Testimony by Corbin’s family
GrandPenny’s Testimony
(this was posted on Penny’s Carepage for her grandson Corbin and is used by permission.}
June 29, 2006
“The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, Blessed be the Lord!”
Corbin has received his perfect healing as very early this morning our merciful Lord took him HOME.
God’s mercy and goodness last forever!
I would not trade Corbin for anyone or anything in God’s universe. EVERY child is a gift from God, nothing and no one’s life is guaranteed, and our God is good ALL the time. I would not trade one moment of Corbin’s life for any personal comfort, less “hassle”, less work, convenience or “normal” life for myself nor my family. Yes, we want to be healed and to live a very long and full life. Yes, it’s VERY hard to also watch our family suffer with a sick child, But God knows exactly what Corbin needs and exactly what is best for us, despite how little we deserve. His good gifts, His mercies and grace overflow in our lives and we thank Him for every minute of Corbin ’s life.
Corbin’s life has had more impact on more people (approaching thousands now, all around the world) in his short years than many well-meaning people have made in a lifetime. A day to God’s glory far surpasses a lifetime to selfish pleasures.
Please understand my desire to clarify why we do everything we can for Corbin, appreciate each moment that God gives us, for we have been chosen for such a time as this and are committed to the precious lives God has entrusted to us. This is our trial — no one gets to choose their trials. We praise God for his refining work in our lives and for blessing us with our precious Corbin, through whom we see God’s face so much clearer.
I praise God for every one of our family members and every other precious life He’s entrusted to our care. Our children are only on loan to us — they belong to God — and they are ALL perfect in His eyes. We thank God for your prayers for Corbin .
Please also pray for the lost souls who are grieving without hope, judging without love, missing the important aspects of this life because they do not know our Saviour. We pray that all of you will know God’s perfect peace and desire to serve Him, even when it’s not pleasant or convenient.
Grand Penny
Corbin’s Mum and Dad’s testimony
Our Sweet Corbin
June 28, 2008
Can you believe it has been two years since our sweet Corbin has gone home to be with Jesus? We are amazed at how God has worked in our life over these past two years. We wanted to share with you how we are doing and how much we see God’s care, love and grace in our lives.
The first year was a blur of firsts and many painful moments. Out of it came the CMG Heart Foundation and Corbin’s Fun Run and a love to help others. The second year we have had a few more firsts. This year we placed Gunnar, Aiden and Brodie in public school. I must say both I and the boys were very nervous over this transition. Yet, we have watched the boys blossom in their education under the care of Clifton Elementary and their loving teachers.
I had the joy of speaking at the women’s meetings about the care we have received from the amazing ladies in our church. I can’t even begin to write here how much this care has helped me stay focused on the truth – God’s Love and the work on the Cross.
We also have seen an amazing growth in our foundation. We have had the joy of seeing our local town support our efforts in raising awareness and funds for Children’s Hospital. Then the support the local businesses have given us with Corbin’s Fun Run this coming July has been amazing. We even have a local radio station coming as well.
With sadness one of Corbin’s sweet friends passed away this May. I had the privilege of being with his family in the hospital to love on him prior to his passing and to pray with the family. Travis and I attended the funeral of our sweet friend and we pray that we can bring comfort to our friends during this difficult time.
For us our worst day when Corbin passed away was his very best day. We miss him greatly still. Yet, we are rejoicing that he is in heaven. We are not angry or even sad about Corbin’s death. We love talking about him and remembering how funny, sweet, spunky, and joyful he was. We thank God for giving us Corbin for those 23 months . We ask that you Thank God with us this week for the work he has done in our lives and continues to do.
All our love
Travis, Terri
Gunnar, Aiden and Brodie